Rexall has a diverse range of products to meet the Home Health Care needs of Canadians through all stages of their lives. Everything from home safety, sleep products, braces & supports, compression stockings, mobility aids, health assistive devices and more... Speak with our knowledgeable staff to help guide you to find what is right for you or your loved ones.
Select locations have full showroom and services.
Bath Safety
Ostomy Products
Bracing & Supports
Rehab Supplies
Compression Stockings
Seating and Positioning
Daily Living Aids
Specialty Wound Care
Lift Chair
Therapeutic Pillows
Bath Safety
Mobility Aids: Wheelchairs, Walkers, Scooters, Canes, Crutches and Poles
ADP Authorized Vendor with sales support available. Other third party billing also available.
For Assistance/Product Enquiries email homehealthcare@rexall.ca
Full showroom and services available in Hamilton, Brantford and Welland region. Products available for order in other select locations.