Rexall supports keeping our homes and communities safe.
Medication Take Back
(MTB) service year-round, at no charge. Members of the community are encouraged to drop off all old and/or expired medications to any Rexall Pharmacy for safe disposal. Safe disposal of medication is necessary to ensure that old, expired or no longer needed medications are not accidentally used or intentionally misused and do not end up in our landfills. Since HSPA’s (Health Products Stewardship Association) program inception in 1999, our collective efforts have resulted in the collection of over 4,677,811 kilograms of unwanted pharmaceuticals and 3,141,828 kilograms of used medical sharps from collection locations across the regulated provinces.Bring your expired and unused medications to Rexall for safe disposal
Help keep our homes and the environment safe by bringing your unwanted, unused, and expired medications to Rexall for safe disposal. While most parents (71%) with prescriptions medicines at home know they can be returned to the pharmacy for disposal, only 45% return them. For all other prescription medications, ensure they are stored in a safe location that is not easily accessible. 62% of Canadian households keep their prescription medications in a family medicine cabinet, only 11% lock their medication away. Talk to your Rexall Pharmacist to learn more about how you can help keep our homes and environment safe.
*Source : Drug Free Kids Canada Tracking Study 2022
Let us dispose of your expired and unused medications at no cost, such as:
- Prescription medications
- Over-the-counter (OTC) medications
- Natural health products
Ask your Rexall Pharmacist for a disposal bag and return it to your nearest Rexall Pharmacy for safe disposal.
You can return:
Pills (tablets, capsules)
Creams, ointments, lotions
Epinephrine Auto-injectors (Epipen)
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications
Natural Health Products