Let's simplify medication with RightDose™ blister packs. Have your medications sorted into convenient, detachable prepared doses so you never miss a dose.
Life can get busy, and organizing medication on your own can get tricky. Switch from your pill organizer to Rexall RightDose™ blister packs, a free eco-friendly medication organizer to help you take the right dose at the right time. Speak to a pharmacist in store today to get started.
On multiple medications? Leave medication sorting to us.
Unlike regular pill organizers, Rexall RightDose™ sorts your medications for you and package them into easy to detach doses making medication management easy.
Start taking your medication from the bottom left corner.
To detach a row, place your thumb on the edge of the compartment and lift.
Next, detach a compartment by twisting and pulling apart.
Gently press down along the perforations to open the compartment.
Lift the label and your medication is accessible and ready to take.
Our Rexall Pharmacists pride themselves on making your health a priority. They take the time to make sure things are well organized, easy to understand, and easy to follow. We created our RightDose™ blister pack system with this same thinking. Take the guesswork out of taking medication. We handle the medication portioning down to the day or hour in sealed individual compartments that are clearly labeled.
RightDose™ blister packs take the worry out of portioning out medications for your loved ones. By taking the need to organize medication out of the equation, you can rest assured your loved ones are taken care of, leaving you with more time and less worry.
Our blister packs are sustainably made and can be recycled after you take your medication. Our commitment to care extends to the environment as well. Rexall RightDose is made with eco-friendly packaging that annually produces 214.4 tonnes less CO2, that’s equivalent to the weight of 52 elephants! This has earned RightDose the ecolopharm certificate of environmental sustainability
RightDose™ blister packs are individually detachable, so unlike pill organizers, they are portable and great on the go.
These conveniences make it convenient to keep on track with medication schedules, helping you take your medications as prescribed and improving your overall health.
Blister packs, also known as compliance packs or c-packs, are pre-formed plastic packaging used to seal pharmaceuticals, such as pills and tablets, in a bubble, cavity, or pocket. Blister packaging ensures your medications are stored safely and protected from external contaminants. Rexall RightDose™ uses blister bubble packaging to organize pills by day of the week and time of day. Additionally, we use environmentally-friendly blister packaging so you can recycle your blister packs after taking your medication.
Pill organizers are a convenient way to manage medications by sorting pills into individual compartments based on the day of the week and time of day. Unlike blister packages, you need to manually transfer pills from their bottles into the compartments of a pill organizer. This means that you are responsible for doing it correctly and refilling your pill organizer.
If you want to take the hassle out of managing medications, consider Rexall RightDose™. Rexall Pharmacists will organize your pills into labeled, detachable blisters, ensuring you or your loved ones take the right medication at the right time and avoid any confusion or mistakes.
Rexall's RightDose™ blister card packaging service is completely free of charge and available to both individuals and caregivers. If you want to learn more about Rexall RightDose™ and how we can make medication management easy, speak to a Rexall Pharmacist today.