Helping you stay healthy and happy for the holidays.

The festive season is here again and that means fun, family and food. It also means a lot of running around and stress during the cold and flu season which can make any season less festive. Just because the holidays are here, it doesn’t mean winter’s illnesses take a break.

Too much of a good thing, isn’t always good.

We know how tempting all those delectable desserts and turkey dinners can be, but it’s important to remember that balance is key. Too much food and drink can lead to digestive troubles, including indigestion, gastroesophageal reflux and difficultly sleeping.

Simple tips to avoid overindulging:

  • Eat slowly. The brain takes about 20 minutes to let you know you’re full.
  • Fill half your plate with veggies.
  • Drink lots of water.

And if you do experience gastrointestinal problems, your Rexall Pharmacist is here to help.

Add exercise to your holiday to-do list.

Due to the extra goodies and stress that the holidays inevitably bring, it is recommended that you step up your daily exercise: park a little further from the store, take the stairs instead of the elevator or take an extra lap around the mall before leaving. If you have a fitness tracker or smartwatch, you can easily set and keep track of your exercise goals.

While making merry, don’t forget about your meds.

The holidays are extra busy with multiple distractions (places to go, people to see, presents to wrap). With all the excitement, your health can never take a backseat. It’s so important to stay on top of your prescription routine, so you can experience all the joy the holidays bring. Have alarm reminders on your phone? Select a ring tone that includes a few bars of your favourite holiday song. This little reminder can help you rise to the challenge… with a festive spin!

Take the stress out.

Schedule 30 minutes of “me-time” in amongst the shopping, baking, and hosting or simply make a task more enjoyable! Wrap presents while watching your favourite holiday movie or tune in to the holiday radio stations and sing along while driving from one errand to the next.

Add a health checkup to your holiday checklist.

If you’re able to schedule some time off during the holidays, it is a good idea to make an appointment with your health practitioner to take care of any pressing health concerns. This is a great time to sit with your Rexall Pharmacist and get a medication review. This will help ensure you’re getting the most out of your medications.

Snowbirds, don’t forget your prescriptions.

Your Rexall Pharmacist can share strategies for packing and travelling with your prescriptions, as well as making sure you have all the medications you require to stay healthy through the holidays.

Did you know? That when you travel by airplane, you should:

  • store your medication in a carry-on to avoid theft or loss.
  • have your prescription list on hand, just in case airport security asks to see it.
  • keep your large liquid medications in their original prescription bottles, as they are allowed to exceed the 100mL airline security restriction.

There’s nothing festive about the flu – so get your flu shot.

The flu shot is the most effective and longest lasting protection against the influenza virus and the illness it can cause. Get the flu shot today. Speak with your Rexall Pharmacist for more information.

You deserve a holiday season that is merry and bright, which is always easier when you’re in good health. So visit us today and start a conversation with your Rexall Pharmacist. Happy holidays!
