Dear Valued Rexall Customers and Patients,Today, it was announced that the sale of Rexall Health (inclusive of Rexall/Pharma Plus, Medicentres Canada and Claimsecure Inc.) to McKesson Corporation is now complete. With this announcement Rexall begins the next chapter in its long and successful history as one of Canada's most trusted and reliable names in retail pharmacy.For you, our customers and patients, it is business as usual. Your local Rexall will still have all of the products and brands you trust and rely on. You will be able to come in and speak with your pharmacist about your health and…
Read More »Valued Rexall Customers and Patients, Today, it was announced that McKesson Corporation has agreed to acquire Rexall Health. For you, our customers and patients, it is business as usual. Your local Rexall will still have all of the products and brands you trust and rely on. You will be able to come in and speak with your pharmacist about your health and well-being as well as fill or re-fill your prescription. We are committed to providing you with the same excellent care, services and products that you have come to expect. This transaction is a natural next step for two companies…
Read More »OneWalk to Conquer Cancer announces Rexall as title sponsor for the second annual charity walk, benefiting Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto. Paul Alofs, President and CEO of The Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation, and Jürgen Schreiber, CEO of Rexall Health, share a passion for healthy living and say the strategic partnership will draw thousands of new walkers from across the GTA to participate in OneWalk to Conquer Cancer and raise funds to conquer the cancer that matters most to them. “Rexall is a forward-thinking retailer working to create healthy lifestyle choices…
Read More »Mississauga, ON – Rexall is now offering patients a new service, OneStopMeds, powered by Ateb® Canada’s Time My Meds®, delivered by pharmacists that will improve medication adherence, compliance and health outcomes of patients taking multiple chronic medications. Rexall is the first retail pharmacy in Canada to offer this service to patients in multiple provinces. Here’s how OneStopMeds works. A patient must fill three or more chronic medications on a regular basis to be eligible for the service and they must enroll directly with their Rexall pharmacist. Following…
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