Improve Your Digestive Health with the Right Fibre Supplements

What is fibre?

Are you getting enough fibre in your diet? The recommended daily fibre intake is 22 to 38 grams however many people on a Western diet fall short. But, what is fibre exactly, and why does it matter? Found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains, fibre is the part of plant foods that your body cannot digest. Fibre contains no calories, vitamins, or minerals, but plays a crucial role in your digestive health by helping move food through your body.

High fibre foods and fibre supplements can assist you in maintaining a high-fibre diet. Rexall offers a variety of fibre supplements to help you meet your daily fibre needs.

Benefits of a High Fibre Diet

  • Supports bowel health
  • Prevents or relieves constipation
  • Helps you feel full & supports weight management
  • Lowers risk of diabetes, heart disease, and some types of cancer
  • Improves longevity

Understanding Fibre Supplements

There are two types of fibre–soluble and insoluble–both important to a gut healthy diet. Most supplements contain a mix of these, though the ratio is not always equal. For guidance on choosing the right fibre supplement, consult your Rexall Pharmacist.

Soluble Fibre

Soluble fibre dissolves in water. It slows digestion and glucose absorption, and can be metabolised by gut bacteria. Metamucil Fibre Powders, made with psyllium (70% soluble fibre), help increase feelings of fullness and slow digestion. Two rounded teaspoons of Metamucil’s Sugar-Free Orange Smooth Powder provide 6g of fibre (5g soluble fibre).

Insoluble Fibre

Insoluble fibre does not dissolve in water, but rather remains relatively intact as it passes through the digestive system. It absorbs liquid creating bulkier stool that moves more easily through the digestive tract and promotes regularity. RenewLife’s FibreSMART® capsules or powder offers a near 50/50 blend of soluble and insoluble flax-based fibre, with additional ingredients such as Marshmallow Root and Slippery Elm Bark for intestinal health.

Fermentable & Viscous Fibre

Fibre can also be classified as fermentable or viscous. Fermentable fibre refers to the type that fuels friendly gut bacteria in the large intestine, aiding digestion, reducing inflammation, and regulating blood sugar. While viscous fibre forms a thick gel-like substance when mixed with water, slowing digestion and aiding in nutrient absorption.

Shop Fibre Supplements: Fibre Gummies, Powders, & Capsules

Tips for Maintaining a High-Fibre Diet

Start Your Day with Fibre

Kick off your morning with a high-fibre cereal or oatmeal with fresh fruit.

Snack Smart

Opt for fibre-rich snacks like popcorn, nuts, or fresh fruit and vegetables.

Add High Fibre Foods to Every Meal

Add high fibre foods such as whole grains, fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts, to each meal.

Opt for Whole Grain

Aim for at least half of your grains to be whole, consider options like rye bread, whole-wheat pasta, and brown rice.

Take Fibre Supplements

Fibre supplements can help you meet your daily fibre intake if you struggle to do so through food alone.

When would a low fibre diet be recommended?

Low fibre diets may be suitable for certain health conditions or situations, but they are usually temporary. Your healthcare provider may recommend a low-fibre diet if you are undergoing treatment that could disrupt your digestive system, recently had bowel surgery, or experience swelling, pain or narrowing of the bowel. If any of the situations apply to you, talk to a Rexall Pharmacist for advice.

Talk to a Rexall Pharmacist

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