Natural Health Products

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Common Name(s)

magnesium, magnesium chloride, magnesium citrate, magnesium fumarate, magnesium gluconate, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium lactate, magnesium oxide, magnesium succinate, magnesium phosphate, magnesium sulfate

Scientific Name(s)


General Information

Magnesium is a mineral that is involved in many body functions, including maintaining bone strength and keeping the heartbeat steady. About half of the magnesium in our bodies is stored in bones. Magnesium is found in supplements, medications (e.g., antacids, laxatives) and foods, especially foods that are high in fibre (e.g., whole grains, raw leafy green vegetables, almonds, cashews, seafood, and coca).

How is this product usually used?

Magnesium is usually taken by mouth. It is available in different forms, including chewable tablets, capsules, drops, and liquids.

As supplements, magnesium is coupled with another substance or a salt. Some examples are magnesium citrate, magnesium hydroxide, and magnesium oxide. Elemental magnesium refers to the amount of magnesium in each compound.

The dosing range of magnesium supplementation varies for different age groups. The minimum dose reflects about 5% of the highest adequate intake (AI). The maximum daily doses for children and adolescents are based on the tolerable upper intake levels (UL) that apply to magnesium supplements only.


Age group





1 to 3 years
4 to 8 years




9 to 13 years
14 to 18 years




19 years and up



*Adults include pregnant and breast-feeding women.

Your health care provider may have recommended using this product in other ways. Contact a health care provider if you have questions.

What is this product used for?

Magnesium is used to help maintain good health. Specifically, it is used to:

  • help the body metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
  • form and maintain bones and teeth
  • help form tissue
  • maintain proper function of nerves and muscles

When taken orally (by mouth), magnesium has been used for a number of conditions, including:

  • cleansing the bowels for colonoscopy procedures
  • preventing or treating magnesium deficiency
  • treating constipation
  • treating heartburn (by reducing stomach acid)

Magnesium may have some evidence to support its uses as a bowel preparation agent, treating constipation, relieving heartburn symptoms, and preventing or treating magnesium deficiency. There is limited evidence to suggest its efficacy for its other uses.

Your health care provider may have recommended this product for other conditions. Contact a health care provider if you have questions.

What else should I be aware of?

Side effects reported with magnesium include nausea, stomach upset and diarrhea (particularly when taking more than 350 mg per day).

Magnesium can interact with certain medications, including some antibiotics, antacids, digoxin, and some medications you may be taking for your bones, for diabetes, or to manage your blood pressure. Certain medications may also reduce magnesium levels in the body. Check with your pharmacist if you are concerned.

If you have a heart problem (called heart block) or severe kidney problems, you should consult a health care professional before starting magnesium.

Magnesium is safe for pregnant or breast-feeding women when it is taken in recommended amounts.

Before taking any new medications, including natural health products, speak to your physician, pharmacist, or other health care provider. Tell your health care provider about any natural health products you may be taking.


  1. Health Canada. Licensed Natural Health Products database: Multi-Vitamin / Mineral Supplements Monograph.
  2. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Magnesium.

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