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General Information

Copper has been mined for thousands of years. Because it is easy to shape, it was commonly used to make tools and pottery. Copper occurs naturally in several foods including vegetables, legumes, nuts, grains, fruits, shellfish, beef, and animal organs. Drinking water also contains small amounts of copper.

How is this product usually used?

Copper is available as chewable tablets, caplets, capsules, strips, powders, or liquids. It is a mineral that is taken orally (by mouth). In general, the recommended daily dietary allowances (amounts recommended in food) are:


  • 1 to 3 years: 340 µg/day
  • 4 to 8 years: 440 µg/day


  • 9 to 13 years: 700 µg/day
  • 14 to 18 years: 890 µg/day


  • ≥ 19 years: 900 µg/day


  • 14 to 50 years: 1,000 µg/day


  • 14 to 50 years: 1,300 µg/day

Your health care provider may have recommended using this product in other ways. Contact a health care provider if you have questions.

What is this product used for?

Copper has been used for:

  • helping to make and repair connective tissue
  • making red blood cells (preventing anemia due to copper deficiency)
  • maintaining iron transport in the body
  • preventing copper deficiency

Research suggests that copper may be effective for treating copper deficiency. More evidence is needed to support its other uses.

Your health care provider may have recommended this product for other conditions. Contact a health care provider if you have questions.

What else should I be aware of?

The incidence of side effects due to copper increases with increasing concentrations. Side effects may include stomach ache, cramps, nausea, and vomiting. Copper poisoning is rare but it may cause severe side effects including bloody diarrhea, low blood pressure, low numbers of blood cells, liver damage, kidney failure, heart problems, fever, and jaundice.

Copper can interact with some medications. It decreases the absorption of penicillamine. Copper absorption may be reduced when taken with other supplements such as iron, vitamin C, or zinc. Consult your health care provider if you have any questions.

You should avoid copper if you are allergic to copper. Consult your health care provider if you are pregnant or breast-feeding before taking copper. Copper supplementation may also worsen certain conditions such as Wilson disease.

Before taking any new medications, including natural health products, speak to your physician, pharmacist, or other health care provider. Tell your health care provider about any natural health products you may be taking.


  1. Health Canada. Drugs & Health Products. Monograph – Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Supplements.
  2. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.Copper.

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